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Strontium Chlorate, SrH2

Strontium Chlorate, Sr(ClO3)2, is obtained by the decomposition of strontium carbonate with chloric acid, or by passing chlorine into a hot solution of strontium hydroxide, or over solid crystalline hydroxide. It forms anhydrous crystals of density 3.152, non-deliquescent, and readily soluble in water but not in alcohol. Potilitzin found several modifications of the anhydrous chlorate. Transparent rhombic octahedra separate at room temperature, but from a saturated solution cooled to - 10° C. small monoclinic crystals are obtained. A third form separates in long prisms or scales at ordinary temperatures from a supersaturated solution of a certain concentration, and a fourth at 70°-90° C. in long rhombic prisms. On heating to 290° C., slow evolution of oxygen sets in, and after 10 per cent, has been given off, the mass fuses.

By cooling a 59 per cent, solution to - 40° C., needle-shaped crystals of a trihydrate, Sr(ClO3)2.3H2O, are obtained. They effloresce under atmospheric conditions. If a 64 per cent, solution be cooled to - 95° C. it forms a gelatinous mass of composition Sr(ClO3)2.8H2O. Souchay mentions a pentahydrate.

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