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Strontium Tungstate, SrWO4

Strontium Tungstate, SrWO4, may be obtained as a white micro-crystalline precipitate by the action of an alkali tungstate solution on strontium chloride or acetate. By fusion of sodium tungstate with strontium and sodium chlorides it is formed as tetragonal crystals of density 6.184 at 20° C. One part of the precipitated salt dissolves in 700 parts of water at 15° C. It is decomposed by heat.

Several acid tungstates are known.

There is a complex phosphotungstate, 2SrO.P2O5.12WO3.17H2O, and a borotungstate.

A double sodium strontium tungstate may be formed by the action of a boiling sodium paratungstate solution on strontium chloride.

Tungsten bronzes containing strontium may be obtained by methods similar to those employed for the preparation of the corresponding calcium compounds. Potassio-strontium bronze has the composition SrW4O12.5K2W4O12, and the two sodio-strontium bronzes, SrW4O12. 5Na2W5O15 and SrW4O12.12Na2W3O9.

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